After 5 years of R&D, Balene was born, the first toothbrush that cleans the internal and external surface of the teeth at the same time.

Balene was born with the aim of improving dental hygiene with more effective brushing. Designed to overcome the shortcomings of the conventional toothbrush and work with the anatomy of the teeth to reduce human error.

It all starts by identifying the problem: Why does the conventional toothbrush not facilitate the cleaning of the inner surface of the teeth if it is the area where the most plaque builds up? Inspired by the potential for a better way to brush and after 5 years of research and development plus a lot of dedication, Balene was born.  

A truly innovative product with a worldwide patent that for the first time cleans the internal and external surface of your teeth at the same time. At the heart of Balene is an understanding of the complex dental anatomy, bridging the gap between brushing theory and practice to deliver a better way to brush. Balene was designed by first drawing the human teeth and around them a product was inspired that can facilitate cleaning inside and out in a more effective way.

You brush the outside, Balene brushes the inside